Why Should We Choose Dedicated Server?
If you have a large or small business, you may have experienced various options for hosting your web application, mail server, or website. Shared hosting is one of the most basic options for web hosting. As the name suggests, shared hosting is when the resources of one single server are shared with a different number of websites.
But for any high-traffic website, shopping portal, or news portal, you will need more control and power. Hence Dedicated Server Price hosting can be the best for you as it has different advantages like the server resources do not needs to be shared, the provider will give you the needed CPU, RAM, and server. Besides, the provider will build and maintain the server by reducing businesses’ costs to purchase these things.
Pick the Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting Plan
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Here are the advantages of a dedicated server:
Server resources are exclusive
A dedicated server hosting will only give exclusive service to you as the server resources are not shared. So, you will get faster service, and you also need not worry about other websites interfering with the RAM and CPU of the server. It leads to the clogging of websites. Besides, with a Cheap Dedicated Server, you can be assured to get a smooth service as an increase in the bandwidth usage when other websites are using the hosting service won’t affect the performance of your server and slow it down.
Boosts security as well as performance
If your website has many visitors and traffic, then dedicated server hosting can be the best for you. Dedicated server hosting will provide more trust and stability than shared hosting. For example, you can ensure that you are not sharing your server with any spammer or malicious website. Dedicated server hosting is particularly beneficial for businesses dealing with confidential transactions over SSL or FTP. If you are looking for a dedicated server hosting service, you can visit the website onlive server. The dedicated server price is cheap and affordable here. The other advantages that onlive server will provide you are fully managed services such as control panel, CMS installation, security services, proxy setup, VPN server set up, VoIP, project development server, and game server set up.
Allows flexibility
With a dedicated server, you have the flexibility to customize the services according to your preferred needs. For example, you are customizing your RAM, CPU, software, and disk space. Unlike shared hosting, you get limited access to software, applications, and other operations as the server is already loaded. A dedicated server is always better for various business needs as it gives more control, more power, and more privacy.
Provides unique IP address
Another benefit of a dedicated server is getting your unique IP address, unlike shared websites where you have to share your IP address with numerous other websites. The cons of this can be that if the other websites’ owner runs a malicious or adult website, there are high chances of your website rank coming down. Hence, you are free of the above disadvantages with dedicated hosting as you have your unique IP address. If you are a huge running e-commerce site, then a dedicated server is essential for safe transactions. For example, if you need SSL to process credit cards.
Provides maintenance of the equipment
When businesses need a dedicated server but do not have the required resources or time to manage the server, then a dedicated server will do the job. As a dedicated server will maintain and effectively handle server equipment. So, it helps companies in reducing overhead and getting better ROI. But most people have a misconception that the dedicated server price is quite high. But for some websites like onlive server, you can get a dedicated server at a low cost along with several other benefits.
Allows higher access control
When you use a dedicated server, you get root access or administrative access to the hosting server. Thus, a higher level of access gives you more control over the software and hardware of the device. On the other hand, it would not have been possible if different persons used the data or resources.
Reliable Infrastructure
Dedicated servers boast a reliable infrastructure as they are housed in a particular data center. So, when the local power is out, these data centers will offer enough sources of power which will keep the servers up and running. Furthermore, the websites having huge traffic and dedicated servers will provide excellent bandwidth and the highest responsiveness and reliability. Thus, a dedicated service provider is best for heavy traffic websites and provides reliable infrastructure.
24*7 Technical support
When you take a dedicated server hosting with an onlive server, you get 24*7 technical support. They offer technical support as their priority. So, if you are facing any problems with the Dedicated Server Price, just reach out to the team. Moreover, your issues will be resolved as quickly as possible and in a hassle-free way. Our customer care support is available whenever you require it. Thus, you will get peace of mind.
Therefore, we have seen the benefits of dedicated server hosting. Moreover, dedicated server hosting can be suitable for both small and big businesses. But it can be best suited for developers, technical users, or people willing to manage their servers. Finally, to manage your business effectively, you can get a good dedicated hosting service.